Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Fraction of my Life: Why moving sucks (and doesn't).

     On Friday morning, May 6th 2016, I had packed up my entire room from my dorm in USU Eastern in Price, Utah and moved to the dorms in Utah State University (USU) in Logan to take classes for the summer. Everything is now unpacked from the 4-hour drive and in their desired location (despite the fact that the room is much smaller than the one I had in USU Eastern), so you could say that my room is now the way I want it to be. And though things may look fine now, there was this nightmare and chaos that ensued before the calm: MOVING!

Some consider this an art form.
     Ah yes, the verb "moving" can make people cringe and despair. Moving is difficult and tedious, as people have to pack their appliances and other paraphernalia they have acquired. Turning a well-decorated and furnished room into a barren one is also hard since you have to take everything in that room and place them into categorized boxes that would then be placed in the trunk for four hours, yeah not that great. You also have to make sure that there is space for everything in the trunk, it is always a real-life version of Tetris. What's even worse is the problem of how to make sure that anything does not get thrown around while on the trip to your new place. 

     What happens next is the inevitable part. Since nobody wants to sleep surrounded by packed boxes in a car, you have to unload all those packed boxes and take them to your room where you will spend hours sorting through them and placing them in areas where you would feel it would be best. Arranging your clothes, thinking of where to place your books and paraphernalia and making sure that your side of the room looks like your room away from room can be a pain. Especially when there is nobody there to help you. This part of moving in took me about six hours total.

     But with that aside, moving can be a bittersweet experience. Besides the frustrating packing, leaving a certain place can be the bitter part. Especially when you have made a specific group of friends leaving to better places, living their life and continuing to better themselves as you would do too. Leaving friends is hard, but that's what makes it sweet at the same time. You may leave the place, but you never leave your memories behind. You carry it with you as you explore the world, experiencing newer things. Moving is an extremely brave and adventurous thing to do, not a lot of people would want to uproot themselves from an area where they have spent a large amount of their life. But hey, life goes on and moving only sets a new chapter in motion. It's only through this that we find the value of our memories.
"Adventure is out there!" -Carl Muntz  from Pixar's Up


  1. You are certainly a brave kid. Embracing a new chapter of your life. I'm so happy for you and proud of you as well. I can relax knowing that you are now an adult and a very responsible child. Continue to dream big and soar high, be a good and law abiding citizen and don't forget to be close to the Church.

    1. Thanks Mom, it certainly is hard and scary. But that's the fun part! I get to experience so many things and meet new people from a diverse background. Moving is difficult that is true. But I get to live and take an adventure almost everyday.
